Declaração de Privacidade

Declaração de Privacidade da VP Travel Switzerland

Esta declaração de privacidade foi atualizada pela última vez em outubro 25, 2024 e se aplica a cidadãos e residentes legais permanentes do Espaço Económico Europeu e Suíça.

Nesta declaração de privacidade, explicamos o que fazemos com os dados que obtemos sobre si por meio de Recomendamos que leia atentamente esta declaração. No nosso processamento, cumprimos os requisitos da legislação de privacidade. Isso significa, entre outras coisas, que:

  • declaramos claramente as finalidades para as quais processamos dados pessoais. Fazemos isso por meio desta declaração de privacidade;
  • pretendemos limitar a nossa recolha de dados pessoais apenas aos dados pessoais necessários para fins legítimos;
  • primeiro solicitamos o seu consentimento explícito para processar os seus dados pessoais nos casos que requerem o seu consentimento;
  • tomamos medidas de segurança adequadas para proteger os seus dados pessoais e também exigimos isso de partes que processam dados pessoais em nosso nome;
  • respeitamos o seu direito de aceder aos seus dados pessoais, corrigi-los ou apagá-los, a seu pedido.

Se tiver alguma dúvida ou quiser saber exatamente quais dados mantemos de si, entre em contacto connosco.

1. Objetivo, dados e período de retenção

Podemos recolher ou receber informações pessoais para vários fins relacionados a nossas operações comerciais, que podem incluir o seguinte: (clique para expandir)

2. Partilha com outras partes

Apenas partilhamos ou divulgamos esses dados com processadores para os seguintes fins:

3. Cookies

O nosso site usa cookies. Para obter mais informações sobre cookies, consulte a nossa Política de Cookies

4. Práticas de divulgação

Divulgamos informações pessoais se formos obrigados por lei ou por ordem judicial, em resposta a uma agência de aplicação da lei, na medida permitida por outras disposições da lei, para fornecer informações ou para uma investigação sobre um assunto relacionado à segurança pública.

Se o nosso site ou organização for adquirido, vendido ou estiver envolvido numa fusão ou aquisição, os seus dados poderão ser divulgados aos nossos consultores e a quaisquer potenciais compradores e serão repassados ​​aos novos proprietários.

Concluímos um Acordo de Processamento de dados com o Google.

O Google não pode usar os dados para nenhum outro serviço do Google.

A inclusão de endereços IP completos é bloqueada por nós.

5. Segurança

Estamos comprometidos com a segurança dos dados pessoais. Tomamos medidas de segurança adequadas para limitar o abuso e o acesso não autorizado aos dados pessoais. Isso garante que apenas as pessoas necessárias tenham acesso aos seus dados, que o acesso aos dados seja protegido e que as nossas medidas de segurança sejam revistas regularmente.

6. Sites de terceiros

Esta declaração de privacidade não se aplica a sites de terceiros ligados por links do nosso site. Não podemos garantir que esses terceiros manuseiem os seus dados pessoais de maneira confiável ou segura. Recomendamos que leia as declarações de privacidade desses sites antes de fazer uso deles.

7. Alterações a esta declaração de privacidade

Reservamo-nos o direito de fazer alterações a esta declaração de privacidade. É recomendável que consulte esta declaração de privacidade regularmente, a fim de estar ciente de quaisquer alterações. Além disso, iremos informá-lo ativamente sempre que possível.

8. Acedendo e modificando os seus dados

Se tiver alguma dúvida ou quiser saber quais dados pessoais temos sobre si, entre em contacto connosco. Pode-nos contactar usando as informações abaixo. Tem os seguintes direitos:

  • Tem o direito de saber por que seus dados pessoais são necessários, o que acontecerá com eles e por quanto tempo serão retidos.
  • Direito de acesso: tem o direito de aceder aos seus dados pessoais que são conhecidos por nós.
  • Direito à retificação: tem o direito de complementar, corrigir, excluir ou bloquear os seus dados pessoais sempre que desejar.
  • Se nos der o seu consentimento para processar os seus dados, tem o direito de revogar esse consentimento e de ter os seus dados pessoais eliminados.
  • Direito de transferir os seus dados: tem o direito de pedir todos os seus dados pessoais ao controlador e transferi-los integralmente para outro controlador.
  • Direito de contestar: pode-se opor ao processamento dos seus dados. Cumprimos isso, a menos que haja motivos justificados para o processamento.

Certifique-se de sempre declarar claramente quem é, para que possamos ter a certeza de que não modificaremos ou excluiremos quaisquer dados da pessoa errada.

9. Enviar uma reclamação

Se não estiver satisfeito com a forma como tratamos (uma reclamação sobre) o processamento dos seus dados pessoais, tem o direito de apresentar uma reclamação à Autoridade de Proteção de Dados.

10. Detalhes do contacto

VP Travel Switzerland
Avenue Louis-Casaï 71
1216 Cointrin
Local na rede Internet:
Telefone: +41 79 332 18 24

11. Solicitações de Dados

Para os pedidos mais frequentes, oferecemos-lhe também a possibilidade de utilizar o nosso formulário de pedido de dados




WPML uses cookies to identify the visitor’s current language, the last visited language and the language of users who have logged in.While you use the plugin, WPML will share data regarding the site through Installer. No data from the user itself will be shared.

WPML Translation Management

WPML Translation Management will send the email address and name of each manager and assigned translator as well as the content itself to Advanced Translation Editor and to the translation services which are used.

WPML String Translation

WPML String Translation will send all strings to WPML’s Advanced Translation Editor and to the translation services which are used.

Complianz | The Privacy Suite for WordPress

This website uses the Privacy Suite for WordPress from Complianz to collect records of consent. For this functionality your IP address is anonymized and stored in our database. For more information, see the Complianz Privacy Statement.

Slider Revolution

In case you’re using Google Web Fonts (default) or playing videos or sounds via YouTube or Vimeo in Slider Revolution we recommend to add the corresponding text phrase to your privacy police:


Our website uses plugins from YouTube, which is operated by Google. The operator of the pages is YouTube LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA.If you visit one of our pages featuring a YouTube plugin, a connection to the YouTube servers is established. Here the YouTube server is informed about which of our pages you have visited.If you’re logged in to your YouTube account, YouTube allows you to associate your browsing behavior directly with your personal profile. You can prevent this by logging out of your YouTube account.YouTube is used to help make our website appealing. This constitutes a justified interest pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (f) DSGVO.Further information about handling user data, can be found in the data protection declaration of YouTube under


Our website uses features provided by the Vimeo video portal. This service is provided by Vimeo Inc., 555 West 18th Street, New York, New York 10011, USA.If you visit one of our pages featuring a Vimeo plugin, a connection to the Vimeo servers is established. Here the Vimeo server is informed about which of our pages you have visited. In addition, Vimeo will receive your IP address. This also applies if you are not logged in to Vimeo when you visit our plugin or do not have a Vimeo account. The information is transmitted to a Vimeo server in the US, where it is stored.If you are logged in to your Vimeo account, Vimeo allows you to associate your browsing behavior directly with your personal profile. You can prevent this by logging out of your Vimeo account.For more information on how to handle user data, please refer to the Vimeo Privacy Policy at

Google Web Fonts

For uniform representation of fonts, this page uses web fonts provided by Google. When you open a page, your browser loads the required web fonts into your browser cache to display texts and fonts correctly.For this purpose your browser has to establish a direct connection to Google servers. Google thus becomes aware that our web page was accessed via your IP address. The use of Google Web fonts is done in the interest of a uniform and attractive presentation of our plugin. This constitutes a justified interest pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (f) DSGVO.If your browser does not support web fonts, a standard font is used by your computer.Further information about handling user data, can be found at and in Google’s privacy policy at


On our pages, plugins of the SoundCloud social network (SoundCloud Limited, Berners House, 47-48 Berners Street, London W1T 3NF, UK) may be integrated. The SoundCloud plugins can be recognized by the SoundCloud logo on our site.When you visit our site, a direct connection between your browser and the SoundCloud server is established via the plugin. This enables SoundCloud to receive information that you have visited our site from your IP address. If you click on the “Like” or “Share” buttons while you are logged into your SoundCloud account, you can link the content of our pages to your SoundCloud profile. This means that SoundCloud can associate visits to our pages with your user account. We would like to point out that, as the provider of these pages, we have no knowledge of the content of the data transmitted or how it will be used by SoundCloud. For more information on SoundCloud’s privacy policy, please go to you do not want SoundCloud to associate your visit to our site with your SoundCloud account, please log out of your SoundCloud account.

Essential Grid

Essential Grid core itself does not collect any data from website visitors. In case you’re using things like Google Web Fonts (default) or connect to external sources in your Essential Grid please add the corresponding text phrase to your privacy police:

Google Web Fonts

For uniform representation of fonts, this page uses web fonts provided by Google. When you open a page, your browser loads the required web fonts into your browser cache to display texts and fonts correctly.For this purpose your browser has to establish a direct connection to Google servers. Google thus becomes aware that our web page was accessed via your IP address. The use of Google Web fonts is done in the interest of a uniform and attractive presentation of our plugin. This constitutes a justified interest pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (f) DSGVO.If your browser does not support web fonts, a standard font is used by your computer.Further information about handling user data, can be found at and in Google’s privacy policy at


Our website uses plugins from YouTube, which is operated by Google. The operator of the pages is YouTube LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA.If you visit one of our pages featuring a YouTube plugin, a connection to the YouTube servers is established. Here the YouTube server is informed about which of our pages you have visited.If you’re logged in to your YouTube account, YouTube allows you to associate your browsing behavior directly with your personal profile. You can prevent this by logging out of your YouTube account.YouTube is used to help make our plugin appealing. This constitutes a justified interest pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (f) DSGVO.Further information about handling user data, can be found in the data protection declaration of YouTube under


Our website uses features provided by the Vimeo video portal. This service is provided by Vimeo Inc., 555 West 18th Street, New York, New York 10011, USA.If you visit one of our pages featuring a Vimeo plugin, a connection to the Vimeo servers is established. Here the Vimeo server is informed about which of our pages you have visited. In addition, Vimeo will receive your IP address. This also applies if you are not logged in to Vimeo when you visit our plugin or do not have a Vimeo account. The information is transmitted to a Vimeo server in the US, where it is stored.If you are logged in to your Vimeo account, Vimeo allows you to associate your browsing behavior directly with your personal profile. You can prevent this by logging out of your Vimeo account.For more information on how to handle user data, please refer to the Vimeo Privacy Policy at


On our pages, plugins of the SoundCloud social network (SoundCloud Limited, Berners House, 47-48 Berners Street, London W1T 3NF, UK) may be integrated. The SoundCloud plugins can be recognized by the SoundCloud logo on our site.When you visit our site, a direct connection between your browser and the SoundCloud server is established via the plugin. This enables SoundCloud to receive information that you have visited our site from your IP address. If you click on the “Like” or “Share” buttons while you are logged into your SoundCloud account, you can link the content of our pages to your SoundCloud profile. This means that SoundCloud can associate visits to our pages with your user account. We would like to point out that, as the provider of these pages, we have no knowledge of the content of the data transmitted or how it will be used by SoundCloud. For more information on SoundCloud’s privacy policy, please go to you do not want SoundCloud to associate your visit to our site with your SoundCloud account, please log out of your SoundCloud account.


Our website includes plugins for the social network Facebook, Facebook Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, California 94025, USA. For an overview of Facebook plugins, see you visit our site, a direct connection between your browser and the Facebook server is established via the plugin. This enables Facebook to receive information that you have visited our site from your IP address. If you click on the Facebook “Like button” while you are logged into your Facebook account, you can link the content of our site to your Facebook profile. This allows Facebook to associate visits to our site with your user account. Please note that, as the operator of this site, we have no knowledge of the content of the data transmitted to Facebook or of how Facebook uses these data. For more information, please see Facebook’s privacy policy at you do not want Facebook to associate your visit to our site with your Facebook account, please log out of your Facebook account.


Functions of the Twitter service have been integrated into our website and app. These features are offered by Twitter Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA. When you use Twitter and the “Retweet” function, the websites you visit are connected to your Twitter account and made known to other users. In doing so, data will also be transferred to Twitter. We would like to point out that, as the provider of these pages, we have no knowledge of the content of the data transmitted or how it will be used by Twitter. For more information on Twitter’s privacy policy, please go to privacy preferences with Twitter can be modified in your account settings at


Our website contains functions of the Instagram service. These functions are offered by Instagram Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA.If you are logged into your Instagram account, you can click the Instagram button to link the content of our pages with your Instagram profile. This means that Instagram can associate visits to our pages with your user account. As the provider of this website, we expressly point out that we receive no information on the content of the transmitted data or its use by Instagram.For more information, see the Instagram Privacy Policy:

Burst Statistics

This website uses Burst Statistics, a Privacy-Friendly Statistics Tool to analyze visitor behavior. For this functionality we (this website) collect anonymized data, stored locally without sharing it with other parties. For more information, please read the Privacy Statement from Burst.

Complianz | The Privacy Suite for WordPress

This website uses the Privacy Suite for WordPress from Complianz to collect records of consent. For this functionality your IP address is anonymized and stored in our database. For more information, see the Complianz Privacy Statement.